New D&D Magic Items from D&D in a Castle
I recently was brought back for my fourth round of D&D in a Castle as a Dungeon Master. It is a thrilling whirlwind vacation jam packed with 24 hours of D&D over the course of 3 days. In addition to all this gaming there is a feast with dancing(dancing is optional but so much fun) as well as other activities such as scavenger hunts, archery and even more D&D in the way of one shots if you want it. In all my rounds of D&D in a Castle all the people have been nothing short of stellar. In typical fashion for Nerdarchist Ted, I hand crafted magic items for my players. I highly encourage all Dungeon Masters over the course of a campaign to tailor items and loot selection to the players and characters taking part in your collaborative story. Our story started off at 8th level and each session these characters gained 1 level ending at 13th level going into the final boss fight. The characters were lycanthropes as players and it was a lot of fun to run this kind of story.
While it was never actually presented as an item but more of a story element I present to you the following item.
Blessing of the Gods (Wondrous Item, Legendary, requires attunement)
This stone feels heavy in your hand, but looks rather plain and ordinary. Once you have attuned to the stone a faint mark of your chosen diety can be seen upon of the surface of the stone. The stones power is great. At unknown times the stones power will flare filling you with energy and power. When this happens you gain a level and gain the effects of a long rest. As this stone is a true blessing of the gods you have no way to ascertain what makes the stones light glow nor how many times it will function. When the stone loses its power it crumbles into dust ending the attunement.
I made this item for my players to give a story reason of how they could accomplish so much in so short a time and it explained the source of the power they were getting. As my story involved a war between dieties affecting the mortal plane I thought this was very fitting for a narrative as well as mechanical perspective. For me the flare would happen at the end of a session, but your story could have it happen whenever, you the DM, thought it appropriate.
Now onto the more practical and easier to deal with items. These items were given to the players as gifts of the Fey Courts on loan. The Fey trusted that the characters would return once the threat was put down and return the items. It was fun to see how each player reacted after the story was over.
Gifts from the Spring Court
Amulet of Metamagic Arcana
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a Wizard)
This intricately crafted amulet is made of silver-like metal known as fey steel and features a central gemstone that shifts colors depending on the magic flowing through it. Arcane runes are etched along its edge, glowing faintly when the amulet is activated.
Evoker’s Grace: This amulet grants the wearer the Sculpt Spells ability, similar to the Evocation Wizard’s feature. When casting an evocation spell that affects other creatures the wearer can see, they can choose a number of them equal to their Intelligence modifier (minimum of one). The chosen creatures automatically succeed on their saving throws against the spell and take no damage if they would normally take half damage on a successful save.
Metamagic Adaptation:,The wearer can tap into the amulet’s power to gain the benefits of one other metamagic option (such as Twinned Spell, Distant Spell, or Empowered Spell) for one spell they cast. This effect must be declared before the spell is cast, and the spell must be of a level the wearer can normally cast. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficieny modifier. Once you do so you must complete a long rest before you can do so again.
Guardian’s Gauntlets
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement by a Fighter)
These heavy gauntlets are forged from a unique alloy of steel and mithral, offering both strength and flexibility. The metal is engraved with ancient protective runes, and a faint blue glow emanates from the etchings when the gauntlets’ powers are activated.
Shield of the Protector: While wearing these gauntlets, the fighter can use their reaction to impose disadvantage on an attack roll made against an ally within 5 feet. This ability can be used after the attack roll is made but before the outcome is determined.
Bulwark of Defense: The gauntlets grant the wearer a second reaction per round, which can only be used to protect allies. If you make an attack of opportunity on your turn you forgo this second reaction granted by these gauntlets.
Guardians resolve: These gauntlets allow you twice per day to cast the shield spell as a reaction without expending a spell slot but it can only be cast on a willing ally within 5 feet.
Warden’s Circlet
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a Druid)
This delicate circlet is made from intertwined vines of living wood, embedded with small, glowing gemstones that pulse with a soft green light. The circlet hums with the power of nature, granting its

A Vallis Crystal is one of the new magic items in Emirikol’s Guide to Devil. Yep, it’s got new magic items too! This one opens up whole new worlds… [Art by Kagurachi]
- Mage’s Bane: While wearing the Warden’s Circlet, the wearer gains the benefits of the Mage Slayer feat:
- When a creature within 5 feet of the wearer casts a spell, the wearer can use their reaction to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.
- When the wearer damages a creature that is concentrating on a spell, that creature has disadvantage on the saving throw it makes to maintain its concentration.
- The wearer has advantage on saving throws against spells cast by creatures within 5 feet of them.
- Dual Focus: The Warden’s Circlet allows the wearer to maintain concentration on two spells at once, a rare and powerful ability. The following rules apply when using this feature:
- The wearer must make separate concentration checks for each spell if they take damage.
- If the wearer fails a concentration check for one spell, they only lose concentration on that specific spell, not both.
- The wearer cannot cast a third concentration spell until one of the two currently held spells ends.
Amulet of the Radiant Soul
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a Warlock with the Celestial Pact)
This amulet is crafted from polished gold and set with a radiant crystal that seems to pulse with an inner light. The chain is delicate yet strong, infused with celestial energy. When worn, the amulet glows softly, bathing the wearer in a comforting, warm light.
- Enhanced Vitality: The Amulet of the Radiant Soul sets the wearer’s Constitution score to 21. If their Constitution is already 21 or higher, the amulet instead increases it by 2, up to a maximum of 24.
- Radiant Shield: While wearing the amulet, the wearer gains resistance to radiant damage. Additionally, whenever the wearer takes damage from an attack or spell, they can use their reaction to flare with radiant light, dealing 2d8 radiant damage to the attacker if they are within 30 feet.
- Celestial Restoration: The amulet allows the wearer to channel the healing power of their celestial patron. As an action, the wearer can expend a warlock spell slot to heal themselves or an ally within 30 feet for an amount equal to 1d8 + the warlock’s level. This ability can be used a number of times per day equal to the warlock’s proficiency bonus.
Luna’s Whisper
Weapon (Rapier), Rare (Requires Attunement by a Rogue)
This elegant rapier is crafted from a silvery metal that seems to shimmer under moonlight. The blade is etched with intricate patterns resembling phases of the moon, and the hilt is wrapped in dark leather, offering a comfortable grip. The weapon is surprisingly light, making it easy to wield with precision and speed.
- Silvered Blade: Luna’s Whisper is considered a silvered weapon, bypassing the damage resistances of lycanthropes and other creatures vulnerable to silver.
- Lunar Strike: When the wielder of Luna’s Whisper makes a successful attack against a lycanthrope, the rapier deals an additional 2d6 radiant damage. If the target is under the effects of a full moon (or similar magical influence), this extra damage increases to 3d6.
- Lycan’s Grace: If the wielder of Luna’s Whisper is a lycanthrope, the rapier harmonizes with their nature. The weapon does not harm or interfere with the wielder’s lycanthropic form, and it allows the wielder to remain in control of their transformations while using the weapon. Additionally, the wielder gains advantage on saving throws against effects that would force them to transform involuntarily.
Moonlit Serenade
Weapon (Scimitar), Very Rare (Requires Attunement by a Bard)
This beautifully crafted scimitar has a blade that glows with a soft, silver light, especially under the night sky. The blade is inscribed with musical notes and ancient symbols that shimmer when the weapon is drawn. The hilt is adorned with moonstone and wrapped in fine leather, providing a comfortable and secure grip.
- Harmonious Edge: Moonlit Serenade is a finesse weapon, allowing the wielder to use their Dexterity modifier for attack and damage rolls. It also grants a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon.
- Radiant Crescendo: When the wielder hits with Moonlit Serenade, they can expend one use of their Bardic Inspiration to deal an additional 2d6 radiant damage to the target and grant temporary hit points equal to the radiant damage dealt to an ally within 30 feet of the wielder. These temporary hit points last for 1 hour.
- Lunar Harmony: If the wielder is a lycanthrope, Moonlit Serenade harmonizes with their dual nature. The weapon does not interfere with or harm the wielder’s lycanthropic form and enhances their control over it. The wielder gains advantage on Charisma checks and saving throws to resist involuntary transformations and can maintain their bardic abilities while transformed.
If you want to use these items in your game please feel free to modify or change as you need, especially about the class specific elements related to attunement. Raise your value as a homebrew Dungeon Master by making your own items and make those players at your table in awe of your creativity and generosity. Just remember that players should earn items of legend and then test how well they can use their new power.
Thanks for reading. Until Next Time, Stay Nerdy!
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