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Nerdarchy > Dungeons & Dragons  > Move over Kangaram, here comes the Mountain Glider(Quetzels)

Move over Kangaram, here comes the Mountain Glider(Quetzels)

Holy Smite Squad: Playing an All-Cleric Party in D&D
What If Your D&D Party Were All Druids?

Some time ago, Nerdarchy released a PDF to expand mountable creatures in your D&D games, covering a range of strange and unique mounts across various types and sizes. Today, we’re adding D&D Monstersanother exciting creature to the collection: the Quetzel. This impressive creature fits right into the fantastical mount category, so check out Fantastical Mounts in our store if you’re looking to add more to your game!

Introducing the Quetzel

The Quetzel is a majestic hybrid of reptile and bird, with strikingly vibrant feathers, a long beak, and small sharp teeth like the depictions of pteranodons. They possess an immense wingspan, allowing them to catch wind currents and glide for hours with minimal effort. These creatures are so adept at using the air that mountain tribes often call them “Mountain Gliders.”

Quetzels have a diet primarily of fish, which they swallow whole, sometimes going months without eating after a massive feast. While fish are their favorite, they can also adapt to eat smaller birds or other creatures they can manage. These seasonal feeders are typically more docile in the extremes of winter and summer, conserving energy during these harsh periods.

Behavior & Appearance

Quetzels have unique adaptations that make them a sight to behold in the wild. Their head feathers can fan out to create stunning displays, serving as both mating signals and intimidation tactics. The edge feathers of their wings help them capture air currents, creating a mesmerizing view when they soar overhead. Each Quetzel has a unique pattern and color scheme on its hide, making them highly prized by those lucky enough to see them in flight.

Training Your Quetzel

Starting Quetzel training when they’re young yields the best results. These creatures respond poorly to loud noises or punishment, so positive reinforcement—either with treats or gentle petting—goes a long way. A well-fed, well-trained Quetzel can even carry two medium-sized riders when gliding down a mountain, though they’re limited to one if they need to ascend.

Mountain cultures, such as Goliaths, use Quetzels for rapid travel between peaks, bypassing the arduous ground paths. Some communities even maintain Quetzels for peak-to-peak travel, facilitating communication and trade across remote mountain regions.

Quetzel Trade Goods

Concept art done for Sintel, 3rd open-movie of the Blender Foundation. [Art by David Revoy]

Quetzels offer a range of valuable resources:

  • Meat: Lean and tasty, Quetzel meat is a bit of a delicacy, though opinions differ on eating such a revered mount.
  • Hide: Their colorful hides are highly sought after for clothing and decorations.
  • Feathers: Coveted for their beauty, Quetzel feathers are often used in garments and ceremonial decor.
  • Eggs: Viable Quetzel eggs are worth a good price for hatching and raising new mounts.

Handling and Training DCs

When working with a Quetzel, here’s a quick reference for Animal Handling checks:

Task Untrained DC Trained DC
First flight with rider 20 N/A
Fly with rider 15 10
Glide with rider 10 7
Flee 12 8

Quetzel Stat Block

Below is the Quetzel’s full stat block, ready for your game.

Large Beast, unaligned

  • Armor Class: 10
  • Hit Points: 30 (4d10 + 8)
  • Speed: 10 ft., fly 60 ft.

STR 15 (+2) | DEX 10 (+0) | CON 15 (+2) | INT 6 (-2) | WIS 12 (+1) | CHA 7 (-2)

  • Skills: Perception +3
  • Senses: Passive Perception 13
  • Challenge: 1 (200 XP)
  • Proficiency Bonus: +2

Keen Sight and Smell: The Quetzel has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.

Tireless Gliding: The Quetzel can glide on mountain air currents for extended periods without tiring, especially in high altitudes or while descending.


Multiattack: The Quetzel makes two attacks with its beak.

Beak: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage.

With their stunning looks, impressive agility, and practical value, Quetzels make for a memorable mount in any high-altitude or mountain-focused campaign. Whether you’re looking to add a rare mount, a flavorful encounter, or valuable trade options, the Quetzel is ready to soar into your game!



Thanks for reading. Until Next Time, Stay Nerdy!

Ted Adams

The nerd is strong in this one. I received my bachelors degree in communication with a specialization in Radio/TV/Film. I have been a table top role player for over 30 years. I have played several iterations of D&D, Mutants and Masterminds 2nd and 3rd editions, Star wars RPG, Shadowrun and World of Darkness as well as mnay others since starting Nerdarchy. I am an avid fan of books and follow a few authors reading all they write. Favorite author is Jim Butcher I have been an on/off larper for around 15 years even doing a stretch of running my own for a while. I have played a number of Miniature games including Warhammer 40K, Warhammer Fantasy, Heroscape, Mage Knight, Dreamblade and D&D Miniatures. I have practiced with the art of the German long sword with an ARMA group for over 7 years studying the German long sword, sword and buckler, dagger, axe and polearm. By no strecth of the imagination am I an expert but good enough to last longer than the average person if the Zombie apocalypse ever happens. I am an avid fan of board games and dice games with my current favorite board game is Betrayal at House on the Hill.

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