Immerse Yourself in D&D Adventure with Dragons of Stormwreck Isle
Initially released as a Target exclusive the new D&D Starter Set: Dragons of Stormwreck Isle is now widely available. Designed to function as a fresh new gateway perfect for introducing players to the game, the set includes rules, an adventure, pregenerated characters and a set of polyhedral dice. Wizards of the Coast celebrated the release with a slew of additional resources too.
Immerse yourself in action-packed adventures
What jumped out at me right away when looking over Dragons of Stormwreck Isle is the messaging on what the D&D experience entails. As something of a game designer myself one of the most important aspects of a game for me is a clear indication what players do when they’re playing a game. This new starter set provides a terrific statement on the matter.
“Dragons of Stormwreck Isle is your gateway to action-packed adventures in the cooperative storytelling game DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, where heroes battle monsters, find treasure, and undertake epic quests. This adventure contains everything you need to play heroic characters caught up in an ancient war among dragons as they explore the secrets of Stormwreck Isle.”
Battling monsters and finding treasure while in the course of an epic quest makes a wonderful summary for the game and not just for new players. Discussing D&D and everything associated with it from psychology to mechanics has become a pretty sizable cottage industry and I appreciate the sentiment expressed in the statement because it lets me know the design team’s perspective. More bluntly there’s often lots of discussion about whether D&D is a game about fighting monsters or something much more. It certainly can be more than this but those are contextual elements particular to each group of players. Seems pretty clear to me those designing the game believe it’s primarily a game about fighting monsters. Thanks to Wizard of the Coast for the clarity.
Dragons of Stormwreck Isle is aimed at beginners and includes advancement only from 1st-3rd level. Thankfully there’s basically unlimited possibilities for players after this point. Even better, many resources available are completely free (and legitimate too — no worries). On the opposite end of the timeline WotC created a special encounter called Drowned Sailors meant to take place before the actual adventure beings. This exciting scenario kicks off the whole story. You can get a copy of Drowned Sailors right here.
Educational D&D
Another recent announcement related to an educational initiative, which incorporates Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. This school year WotC supports education through teaching kits featuring the new Starter Set as well as Afterschool Club Kits. When we shared the announcement originally a great number of people asked for more information, which we didn’t have access to at the time. Now we do!
The official D&D website now includes a new section for Educator Resources. You can find this page right here. In addition to the Afterschool Club Kits there’s information about D&D Classroom Curriculum and a series of webinars focusing on how to strengthen literacy skills with D&D created in partnership with the International Literacy Association.
Additional D&D resources
- YouTube playlist of videos created to help new players and Dungeon Masters learn how to play, including videos on Getting Started with the Starter Set, how DM’s can prep for adventure, How to Roleplay, and more!
- Video resource: Encounter Walk-Through: Drowned Sailors
- Tutorials to make learning how to play D&D easier available in the new Learn to Play Hub at playdnd.com
- A video series on Learning Dungeons & Dragons:
*Featured image — Hank and Diana from the 1980s D&D cartoon battle a blue dragon on the cover for Dragons of Stormwreck Isle. These classic iconic characters aren’t explicitly in the adventure but they are used in the art throughout. [Image courtesy Wizards of the Coast]
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