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Nerdarchy > Dungeons & Dragons  > Follow the Rule of Chaos as Agents of Hell in Your D&D Game

Follow the Rule of Chaos as Agents of Hell in Your D&D Game

D&D Ideas -- Sight
D&D Ideas -- Games Within Games

Are we the baddies? You’ll have to determine this for yourself and you’ll have to weigh the odds when your Dungeons & Dragons adventurers follow the Rule of Chaos. This 5E compatible game plunges players into the role of demons compelled to do the bidding of those who summon them. But there’s always loopholes to exploit, providing windows of opportunity for clever demons to enact their own designs. Stealing artifacts, haggling for mortal souls, starting a cult — who knows what an enterprising demon might accomplish?

Move among mortals and do dirty demon deeds

Rule of Chaos is essentially a standalone game designed using the 5E system. Fully compatible with other 5E content Rules of Chaos cranks the tension and excitement up with unique mechanics like Chaos Cards and improvised spellcasting, reimagined classes like the Hellwarden, demon races with five playable sizes and more all designed to evoke the feeling of representing true agents of hell.

The team behind Rule of Chaos is launching a crowdfunding campaign on Oct. 19, 2022. In advance of the launch you can subscribe to the notification list, which comes with it’s own devilish rewards like exclusive content, a FREE adventure, an opportunity to participate in creating the world of Arde throughout its history and a chance to design your own demon character to be featured in the game.

Character options abound in Rule of Chaos starting with the extremely flexible demon races. Players are free to choose their characters’ physical appearance as well as their abilities, including a disguised form they’ll use to move among mortals. The last thing a sneaky demon needs is blowing their cover. One of the options called the Floride drains the environment for magical power, their plantlike nature allowing them to change size and shape. Advance subscribers get early access to this demon race along with the Objectoid, which is a demon who possesses weapons, machines, dolls, houses or any other object all around you.

Rule of Chaos includes digital resources too, like the Smart Rule Wiki, digital interactive maps, a character creator and a spellcrafting tool for the game’s improvisational magic system. The last of these represents a big part of the game because using your demonic powers in the realm of mortals invites chaos. The spellcrafting system allows players to forge their own unique spells for their amusement and their enemies’ nightmares. This is where the deck of 60 different Chaos Cards comes in with effects either helpful or tragic. Some demons who even influence these events.

Design goals for Rule of Chaos aim to create an experience where characters feel unique and powerful while unlocking the potential of the 5E system. The unpredictable power controlled by demonic adventurers blazes a path to adventures with a different perspective and new challenges.

Tempted? Indulge your curiosity and get access to the Floride and Objectoid demon races along with the Hellwarden and Shadow classes. Sign your infernal contract on the dotted line for Rule of Chaos here.

Doug Vehovec

Nerditor-in-Chief Doug Vehovec is a proud native of Cleveland, Ohio, with D&D in his blood since the early 80s. Fast forward to today and he’s still rolling those polyhedral dice. When he’s not DMing, worldbuilding or working on endeavors for Nerdarchy he enjoys cryptozoology trips and eating awesome food.

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