Enhance Your Witchlight Carnival with Fey Magic Items for 5E D&D
Wild Beyond the Witchlight is out in the world now and people are playing the wonderful fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons adventure. I thought it might be time to make some magic items that mesh well with the Feywild and the fey themed 5E D&D games people are playing. This coincides with the new releases over on Hero Forge — an amazing site where you can design your own customized tabletop 3D printed miniatures.
Hero Forge puts your imagination on the tabletop
From the species to the clothes or armor they wear and gear they carry — all in full color as you see fit! You can get your customized tabletop miniatures 3D printed in a variety of materials, color printed or professionally painted. You can also get the STL file to have it printed on your home 3D printer.
Hero Forge recently released the Fairy Raiment for Treasure Tuesday. This collection features the Small Crystal Ball, Fairy Helmet, Fairy Gloves, Fairy High Heels & Boots, Fairy Chest Armor, Fairy Leg Armor and a Summoned Fairy. Between this newest collection of Hero Forge options, Wild Beyond the Witchlight and my own love for fey themed 5E D&D content I felt inspired to create some new magic items.
Fey Orb
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
This orb appears to be made of glass with swirling energy inside. In the middle of the orb a beautiful flower blooms and then closes only to bloom again in a perpetual cycle. You can use this as a spellcasting focus. While holding this orb you gain a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls and to the saving throw DCs of your spells.
The orb has 2 charges. You can use your action to spend 1 charge and summon a sprite or blink dog (your choice) or spend 2 charges to summon a dryad. It appears in an unoccupied space that you can see within 90 feet. The creature disappears after one hour, when it drops to 0 hit points or when you dismiss it as an action. The summoned creature is friendly to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the creature, which has its own turns. It obeys any verbal commands that you issue to it (no action required by you), as long as they don’t violate its alignment. If you don’t issue any commands to the creature it defends itself from hostile creatures but otherwise takes no actions.
The orb regains 1d2 expended charges daily at dawn.
Petal Armor
Armor (any), varies
This armor has the appearance of blooming flowers. When you don the armor you decide the petal formation and coloration. While you wear this armor you can cast druidcraft and speak with plants.
In addition you have a bonus to AC while wearing the armor, determined by its rarity.
- Uncommon. No AC bonus
- Rare. +1 AC
- Very Rare. +2 AC
- Legendary. +3 AC
Let me know what you think of these fey themed magic items and what other sorts of fey items you want to see Nerdarchy make for 5E D&D. One of the modules in our store invites adventurers to a fancy fey party and introduces new magic items, creatures and spells along with an adventure scenario. Check out Winter Court Soiree here. Almost everything in Nerdarchy the Store begins as monthly rewards for Patreon supporters and we put together a sample bundle you can find right here on the website.
Remember to check out Hero Forge and see how awesome the characters you make can be — fey or otherwise. Until next time, stay nerdy!
*Featured image — This ratfolk spellcaster displays all the trappings of Hero Forge’s Fairy Raiment. This image was created in just a few minutes with full color thanks to the amazing resources at Hero Forge. There’s so much you can do with Hero Forge! Check it out for yourself here.
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