D&Dizing Star Wars for 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Part 2
Last week I spoke about letting you play a Jedi, or as close as I can make it, in Dungeons and Dragons. D&D is full of fantastic abilities and with just a little re-imagining and adding a custom warlock patron we can bring Star Wars to Dungeons and Dragons.
Play a Jedi in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
Let’s look at the tenants of being a Jedi. Peace, Knowledge, Serenity and Harmony. All of this for the ones that get to kick the most ass in all the universe. They are peace keepers who use their powers to bring people to justice and tend to work for or with the government to ensure peace.
All the while doing this remaining calm, even under pressure and always doing the right thing. That is of course open to interpretation.The warlock has a lot of diversity built in with essentially two choices built into the class. You have to take a pact and you get a patron. Most Jedi I would assume have the pact of the blade and that is how they ‘get’ their light saber. If you make a pact of the chains you could get a force assistant that aids you in your actions. I would even go so far as to say use the stats for the options and it could be a force being that allows you another ‘attack option. Lastly you have the pact of the chains. I think this would be more for the knowledge or spell castery type Jedi that are not interested in mixing it up with light sabers.
The things that a Jedi needs to be able to do is use the force, have it be able to manipulate objects. They would need to be able to sense things that are going on. The ability to sense the force, essentially would be just a ribbon ability that the DM uses to get information across to the players and is probably the strongest ability a Jedi has. To Dungeons and Dragons however it is nothing more than a story crutch or helper. Nothing mechanical to worry about.
So with that let’s dive into our Custom Warlock Patron
The Force (Jedi)
Your Patron is the Force. It is not a single being but the energy that flows through all things. By serving the force you put its desires above your own as you strive to be a better individual by making a better whole. You are a peace keeper and protector. You bring justice to those that need it and a swift defeat to those who stand up to you.
Expanded spell list.
The force lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following are added to the warlock spell list for you.
- Mage Armor, Detect Magic
- Enhance Ability, Heat Metal
- Haste. Nondetection
- Arcane Eye, Confusion
- Telekinesis, Bigby’s Hand
At 1st level you have the ability to be attached to the force irrevocably. You can feel the force flowing through all things and can sense it in others. You can use it to guide the story and your decisions. Your DM can give you story clues and even premonitions that the Force can show you, based on how attuned you are.
Highly Trained
Also at 1stlevel your force attunement opens you to more skills. Choose one additional skill that is fitting to your character concept and you are now proficient. Typical skills chosen are athletics, acrobatics, perception or any of the 4 knowledge skills: arcana, nature, history or religion. Get your DMs approval on your selection.
Quickness of Action
At 6th level your Attunement to the force has allowed you move with more speed. You can use a bonus action to take the move or disengage action.
Solidity of Thought
At 10th level your mind has become attuned to the Force and grants you advantages on mental saving throws that would make you lose control of your actions.
A Surge of Purpose
At 14th level you can push yourself beyond your normal limits for a brief moment. On your turn you can make one addition action on top of your regular action and bonus action. You must finish a short or long rest before you can use this again.
So things to point out about choosing this class. Your cantrip Eldritch blast can be your forceful use of the force and repelling blast invocation will give you the force push that you might be looking for. You can just use the invisible descripter for the effect of you magic. No need for a visible effect. Your mental powers that a Jedi uses are typically only supposed to work on the weak minded so feel free to use charm person and suggestion to wonderful effects. After all there is a Jedi hand movement when you attempt to effect another mind.
Mage hand among other cantrips/spells have great flavor for a Jedi character when used and decribed in just the right way. Also remember that the characters we see in the movies are always higher level characters not the Jedi in training that low level ones are. Typically Dungeons and Dragons present that you are still an apprentice until you reach 3rd level.
Please let me know what you think down below. Until Next Time, Stay Nerdy!
Jeremy K
December 6, 2015 at 3:11 pmSuggestions for a Sith-flavored Jedi:
Possible spells – Chain Lightning, Lightning Bolt, Shocking Grasp, Phantasmal Killer (reflavored to Force Choke), Mordenkainen’s Sword (reflavored to Lightsaber Throw), Finger of Death (again reflavored to Force Choke), Destructive Smite/Wrathful Smite
Patron – The Dark Side. “You are at one with the Force. The Force gives you unimagined power and the will to use it. You do not serve the Force, but you bend it to your will. Or at least, so you are led to believe…”
Features –
Lv. 1: Force Sensitive (as above), Sith Training (you take a nickname in the Dark Lord tradition, a description of your origins and aspirations in a single word; you now have Proficiency in Intimidation and may choose proficiency in Athletics or Persuasion)
Lv. 6: Power of Fear (You gain Expertise in Intimidation. Fear and all spells that invoke the power of fear gain a +1 [or +2, if you prefer] bonus to Attack or Save DC.)
Lv. 10: Power of Anger (You can channel the power of your Rage much like a Barbarian, beginning with 2 uses per day. This goes up to 3 uses at Level 13, 4 uses at Level 17, and 5 uses at Level 20.)
Lv 14: Power of Hate (Choose one of the following creature types: aberrations, beasts, celestials, constructs, dragons, elementals, fey,
fiends, giants, monstrosities, oozes, plants, undead, Jedi. Once per day, you can focus your hatred to gain a +2 power bonus to attack against this enemy for the rest of the encounter. At Level 17, this increases to up to 3 of this chosen type; at level 20, this increases to 5.)
Lv 20: True Lord of the Sith (The Dark Side has overcome you. You cannot be shaken from your path to domination. Gain +1 to Strength and Charisma; gain +3 to saves against Persuasion and Charm.)
Jeremy K
December 6, 2015 at 3:19 pmWhoops. Accidentally posted that twice. Thought the first one didn’t go through. Sorry; delete the other one, please.
Ted Adams
December 8, 2015 at 10:35 pmVery Nice suggestions. Thank you for that.
Jonathan Jacobs
January 27, 2018 at 12:13 pmThe image above the fold is totally inappropriate and should be taken down. Camel Toes? Really? Wtf…
January 27, 2018 at 1:15 pmnice design work, a few things, one minor typo you put in pact of the chain twice it is clear that you meant pact of the tomb the second time, so I doubt it will cause an issue.
Second based on powers of the character being quite reasonable I would recommend taking the level 10 ability and use the wording from the gnomes ability that gives them advantage on all mental saves, it doesn’t need to be restricted to ones that would make them lose mental control (these spells are few and highly circumstantial, and mental targeting spells are still not that common so it will not be a major impact to bring it up to the full gnomish strength)
once again good design, well thoughtout and fits the flavor very well without breaking the power curve of the game.
Doug Vehovec
January 27, 2018 at 1:28 pmThank you for sharing your thoughts and ideas! All of us here at Nerdarchy enjoy coming up with new stuff for our favorite roleplaying games and putting them out for the world to see. Getting to read, see and hear back from our awesome community is one of the best and most rewarding parts of doing this. Glad you stopped by for a visit and enjoyed what you found!
– Nerditor Doug