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Author: Kyle Ellis

Nerdarchy > Articles posted by Kyle Ellis
D&D unicorn

D&D Unicorn: Expanding the Legendary Creature Through Variety

Unicorns in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons are celestial creatures known for their healing and purity, yet aside from a corrupted fiend known as the Nightmare they are very limited in selection. Considering how well known these creatures are in fantasy and how many varieties of dragons we have, it is almost a crime we have only two choices. [NERDITOR’S NOTE: Yeah, yeah, yeah, nightmares are created from pegasi but who’s to say a corrupted unicorn can’t become a hell horse too?]

A D&D Puppet Master Bard from this College has the World on a String

Hello! Nerditor Doug to introduce a second guest post from Kyle Ellis. Kyle hit me up with another fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons character option and the concept brings to mind one of my favorite MMO games – Final Fantasy XI. If this College of Strings bard is what I think it is, it would make a fine companion for a Path of the Azure barbarian. Just saying. I’m just as excited as you to learn more about this puppeteer.

Playing D&D

D&D Prismatic Light Sorcerer – A Bright Idea for a Sorcerous Origin

Hello! Nerditor Doug here to introduce guest poster Kyle Ellis, coming to Nerdarchy.com directly from a recent live chat with YouTuber Kenneth Woody whose work you’ll also find here on our site.

In the chat Kyle mentioned something about a rainbow sorcerous origin for the fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons sorcerer class. Sorcerer is one of my favorite classes to tinker around with subclass ideas (psychic mind mage WIP I swear) and light- or color-based characters in particular fascinate me. So let’s get to it, the Prismatic Light Bloodline sorcerous origin for D&D.