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Nerdarchy on D&D Monster Battle Royal: Kobolds Vs Goblins

D&D Ideas — Phobias
Nerdarchy on D&D Spells: Reacting to Reaction Spells

In this 10-minute video on Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted take sides and enters the fray in a fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons epic showdown of monsters.

This video debate took inspiration from a TikTok video Dave enjoyed. In the discussion they each take a side and explain their thoughts on why their choice is superior.

According to Dave, who sided with kobolds, their longevity and sheer numbers put them ahead of goblins. Along with those qualities he explains how kobolds are builders whose traps and tunnels give them a decided edge. He also cites kobolds’ reverence for dragons and their god Kurtulmak’s status as a vassal of Tiamat in the Nine Hells as perks in their status. Plus there’s winged kobolds.

On the other side of the debate Ted advocates for goblins. Their chaotic nature manifests in rule by the strongest and smartest, which coupled with their malice and greed gives them an edge over their kobold counterparts in this conversation. At home a goblin lair is designed specifically for their small size along with the beasts they’re often associated with like rats and wolves. Like kobolds there is a powerful goblin deity as well — Maglubiyet — who lends goblins a bit of divine patronage. [NERDITOR’S NOTE: When you want to make a vanilla goblin encounter into something special and dangerous consider invoking Maglubiyet’s Will!]

In the same way our own Goblin Bomber faithfully serves as our representative and minion this dastardly Goblin Bomber puts his mad obsession with blowing stuff up to work as an explosives maker for Skeeve’s Banshees. After a successful assault these sky raider goblins captured an airship! The gang’s leader gave the vehicle to his expert explosives engineer to use as a mobile manufacturing and test facility. The mad bomber recently experienced a major breakthrough and before Skeeve’s Banshees can upgrade their grenados they’ll need testing. An isolated settlement seems ideal.

Nerdarchy staff

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