Nerdarchy on 5 Best D&D Feats for an Assassin Rogue
In this 10-minute video on Nerdarchy the YouTube channel Nerdarchists Dave and Ted pick their top 5 D&D feats for an Assassin rogue subclass in fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons.
The conversation begins with Dave and Ted taking a look at the Assassin to determine what makes them different from other Roguish Archetypes. Their (surprise!) Assassinate feature is not only the hallmark of the subclass it’s the only one with offering immediate satisfaction until Death Strike at 17th level. Exploiting this feature is the way to go.
“Starting at 3rd level, you are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a turn in the combat yet. In addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit.”
Diving into the discussion Dave and Ted take a broad look at all the feat options available in 5E D&D and then go over their picks when it comes to synergy for an Assassin. How would you rank these feats? Is it better to shore up weaknesses and pain points or focus on strengths? Do you prefer passive features providing static benefits at all times or more active options?
The selection of feats begins with one screaming for these rogues to choose. It’s got Assassin written all over it. Building on the benefits of their raison d’être the next pick puts some mileage on the road to doing their job in the manner they most prefer. Mixing things up can make for dangerous neighbors on the battlefield but also target rich environments and the next feat puts the kibosh on enemy firepower. Situations can become pretty perilous for a rogue and eventually luck runs out so the next selection provides a safe escape route. In contrast the final pick slams the door on bad guys aiming to get out of Dodge.
Have you played an Assassin rogue in your D&D games? For a magical twist on these deadly precise strikers you might like to Play Your Next 5E D&D Game as a Spell Assassin – Nerdarchy. If you love rogues and want to try something different we’ve got a series of posts where we look at the top 10 homebrew subclasses for each class, which of course includes these expert problem solvers and you can check it out right here. If videos are more your thing you’ll discover the most cunning treasures when Dave and Ted discuss a Rogue’s Guide to D&D Magic Items.
What are your top picks for feats for Assassin rogues in 5E D&D? Do you know any cool interactions you’ve discovered? Got any interesting experiences to share from times your feat choices made a big impact in your games? Let us know in the comments and as always, stay nerdy!
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