Crazy RPG Antics and Great Charisma on Display with The General Adventuring Company
Sometime ago Nerdarchist Dave interviewed a few members of The General Adventuring Company. Either I failed a Wisdom saving throw or they collectively passed a Charisma (Persuasion) check. However it happened, after Critical Role finished their second campaign I had an open game slot to watch. While I did watch Exandria Unlimited I still had more hours in my week to fill.
A 5E D&D actual play of high drama and high comedy
Insert checking out the wonderful people of The General Adventuring Company. From almost moment one the charisma and enthusiasm of the cast had me intrigued. As I continued to watch I was pulled in by a very compelling story and emotional roleplaying.
But it went even further. Adam’s Dungeon Master style offered a number of things I was seriously looking to add into my own approach to running games, in this case specifically fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. First off they know they are performing for the camera since it is an online game. They pre-record it and add sound effects layered in over what they are doing, which is fantastic. I know not all streamers are looking to do this but I consider this a value add. DM Adam frequently and literally dons a new hat to take on the NPC he is playing at the time. It adds just a little bit more to those choosing to view and I love these touches.
For RPG players out there I am going to take a moment and give you a peek behind the curtain. This will not apply to all DMs, but not all of us have everything planned out. Each DM chooses how to handle those moments of a player asking a question you were not prepared to answer. On The General Adventuring Company it is a simple solution — Adam rolls a d6 and on a 1-3 it goes against the player’s wishes but on a roll of 4-6 it falls on the side of the player’s interest.
If this is not enough the players have the ability to alter the moments of the game when things look dire. They can draw fate cards, which have the ability to make a moment go vastly better for the players or if they go badly it can make the situation worse. But it does make the game so much more enjoyable.
What is even more enjoyable as a viewer is with certain NPCs Adam asks for details from the players. Be it a voice, a characteristic or mannerism it does not matter. He asks for details and the story goes further from there. In the game characters get weird voices, prosthetic limbs, odd habits or maybe certain fashions in their wardrobe. I love player agency and it was missing from my games for many years so when I see it used in more games and more ways I am always thrilled. Adam also allows people to contact from outside the show to give a name, a voice or something else and if they like it they use it.
All based on above and so many crazy antics and great charisma I highly recommend you check out these game plays from The General Adventuring Company.
*Featured image — The General Adventuring Company is an actual play TTRPG video series and podcast with new episodes on Tuesdays.
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