Stuff D&D People Like No. 6: Elves
In the realms of fantasy no other fictional creature gets as much attention and affection than elves. In the worlds of D&D you could make a strong case for dragons too but when it comes to relatively mortal humanoids the magical, pointy eared folks stand...
Stuff D&D People Like No. 5: Pizza
To be fair pizza is mankind's greatest creation and everyone loves a good pie. It's no surprise then how D&D people enjoy a slice or five when gathered with friends to roll funny shaped dice. Like our D&D characters we can customize pizza in a...
Stuff D&D People Like No. 4: Dragons
It half of the name of the game they love so it's only natural D&D people like dragons. (We'll get to dungeons later on.) D&D people like dragons so much the most widely known individual in the game's history ain't no run-of-the-mill dragon either. D&D's...
Stuff D&D People Like No. 3: Dice
Sometime around the end of the 1960s wargamers began popularizing dice with non-cubical polyhedral shapes. It comes as no surprise then how these funny shaped dice became synonymous with the tabletop roleplaying game hobby that emerged shortly after -- especially considering the most popular RPG...
Stuff D&D People Like No. 2: Critical Role
They weren't the first and they certainly weren't the last group of D&D players to share their game online. Even before Chris Perkins and the Penny Arcade crew turned live D&D game play into a spectator event in 2013 the 5E D&D game design architect...
Stuff D&D People Like No. 1: Mountain Dew
It's no surprise D&D people love Mountain Dew. According to a massive infographic released by Wizards of the Coast in 2021 the largest percentage of people in the D&D community fall into the 20-24 age range followed by the 25-29 year old category. Back in...