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Nerdarchy > Stuff D&D People Like  > Stuff D&D People Like No. 5: Pizza

Stuff D&D People Like No. 5: Pizza

Stuff D&D People Like No. 4: Dragons
Stuff D&D People Like No. 6: Elves

To be fair pizza is mankind’s greatest creation and everyone loves a good pie. It’s no surprise then how D&D people enjoy a slice or five when gathered with friends to roll funny shaped dice. Like our D&D characters we can customize pizza in a huge variety of ways. There’s even a direct connection between pizza and D&D believe it or not. Dungeons & Dragons vs. Rick and Morty suggests how characters might use a giant pizza spatula as a maul. A tenuous connection, sure, but a connection nonetheless.

Long before meal delivery services made available basically anything people want to eat brought right to their doors, pizza was the preeminent delivered food item. Getting together at someone’s house for D&D night was almost guaranteed to include pizza. Perhaps the grease helps make the sometimes unfortunate consequences of an adventure go down easier.

NERDITOR’S NOTE: When I lived in Austin, Texas a game group I was part of spent the whole summer meeting at Conan’s Pizza to play through Princes of the Apocalypse. Great adventure and awesome pizza surrounded by Frazetta artwork was quite a memorable experience.

Pizza can find its way into D&D games through unusual means too. In Nerditor Doug’s longrunning Spelljammer campaign the adventurers once cruised past a planetoid that was basically a big ball of molten mozzarella with islands of pepperoni. While checking it out they encountered Pizza Skull, an entity borrowed from the Hello from the Magic Tavern podcast. After making friends with Pizza Skull it joined the crew and went on to manage the group’s pizza business on the Rock of Bral. This group developed many B-plots, one of which was Pizza Skull’s rivalry with the Low Cal Calzone Zone.

If you want to make a great impression on your D&D group show up to your next game night with pizza in hand. You can’t go wrong with plain cheese. Pepperoni is usually a safe bet too. Ham and pineapple makes a great combination as well. (Come at us, haters!) A go-to order around these parts is pepperoni, light sauce, well done pizza with a side of bleu cheese in which to dip a slice. Don’t knock it until you try it. What’s your favorite pizza toppings?

*Featured image — Mankind’s greatest invention! It’s even good with pineapple.

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