Bunny Malone: The Subtle Seduction of Zoo Mafia’s Femme Fatale
In Zoo Mafia, a game powered by the Powered by the Apocalypse engine with custom rules, every mob boss has their own unique method of maintaining power. For Bunny Malone, it’s all

Go Wild, Do Crime, but Don’t Let the Humans Catch You
about patience, subtlety, and the art of manipulation. Known for weaponizing her charm and embracing her feminine wiles, Bunny doesn’t need to get her hands dirty to accomplish her goals. She plays the long game, building alliances, manipulating rivals, and holding grudges with deadly precision.
Who is Bunny Malone?
Bunny Malone stands out as a sophisticated and intelligent leader who knows how to bend people to her will. In contrast to the brute force of bosses like Machine Gun Otto or the business-minded approach of Carlos Hambino, Bunny excels at making others do her dirty work for her. She uses her charm and emotional intelligence to navigate the complexities of the criminal underworld, making her as dangerous as any mobster in the zoo.
She is passionate yet calculating, never acting on impulse but always with a well-thought-out plan. Malone understands the power of playing the long game—she might let a slight go unnoticed at first, but rest assured, she will remember, and her retribution will be swift and brutal. The only thing sharper than her wit is her ability to hold a grudge.
Personal Quote to Live By: “Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned.”
Strengths of Bunny Malone
- Seductive Charm: Bunny’s greatest weapon is her ability to manipulate others through charm and seduction. She can easily sway rivals or authorities, making them do her bidding without even realizing it.
- Shrewd Tactician: While Bunny is passionate, she’s also incredibly calculating. She sees the bigger picture and is willing to play the long game to achieve her goals. Her patience means she can wait for the perfect moment to strike.
- Emotional Intelligence: Bunny reads people exceptionally well, making her an expert in exploiting their weaknesses. Whether through alliances, blackmail, or seduction, she knows exactly which strings to pull.
Weaknesses of Bunny Malone
- Avoids Direct Conflict: Bunny doesn’t like to get her hands dirty, preferring to delegate violence and physical confrontation. This reliance on others can leave her vulnerable if her pawns fail her or refuse to act on her behalf.
- Holds Grudges: While Bunny’s memory for slights makes her a dangerous enemy, it also makes her overly focused on petty grievances. Her inability to let things go can cloud her judgment and lead her to make decisions based on personal vendettas rather than strategic advantage.
- Emotional Volatility: Beneath her calm exterior lies a simmering passion. While her control is often ironclad, when her emotions get the better of her, it can lead to rash decisions and overreactions, particularly in matters of the heart.
Starting Jobs for Players in Bunny Malone’s Organization
Working for Bunny Malone means using your brain more than your brawn. Her jobs tend to involve manipulation, seduction, and subtle sabotage rather than brute force. Prospective members of her crew need to demonstrate that they can think on their feet, adapt to delicate situations, and understand how to move unseen through the zoo’s underworld.
- Honey Trap Operations Bunny often uses charm to bring down rivals, setting up situations where they can’t resist her bait. Players might be tasked with seducing or entrapping someone important to gain leverage.
- Job Example: Lure a rival’s most trusted lieutenant into a compromising position that will destroy their reputation or leave them vulnerable to blackmail.
- Strategic Sabotage Instead of overt violence, Bunny prefers sabotage. Players could be asked to subtly undermine a rival’s operation, making it seem like an accident or internal failure.
- Job Example: Discreetly sabotage a rival’s business, causing them to suffer financial losses without drawing attention to Bunny’s involvement.
- Manipulation and Blackmail Bunny thrives on secrets and leverage. Players might be sent to gather dirt on important figures—politicians, police officers, or rival bosses—to use as future blackmail material.
- Job Example: Follow a high-profile politician and gather incriminating evidence, which Bunny can use to sway them to her side.
- Building Alliances Bunny understands that alliances are critical to long-term success. Players might be tasked with forging alliances with rival factions, ensuring that they act in her favor when the time comes.
- Job Example: Negotiate a truce or mutual-benefit agreement with a rival gang, gaining their loyalty or at least their neutrality in an upcoming turf war.
- Social Espionage Information is power, and Bunny’s network of spies ensures she knows everything happening in the zoo. Players might be assigned to infiltrate social events or rival gatherings to gather intel.
- Job Example: Attend a gala hosted by a rival crime boss, posing as one of Bunny’s socialites, and extract critical information about upcoming moves or alliances.
How to Use Bunny Malone in Your Game
As a Game Master (GM), Bunny Malone presents a different kind of challenge for players. She’s not about brute force or direct confrontation but rather manipulation, subtlety, and emotional leverage. Players working for her will find themselves involved in delicate operations where a silver tongue and keen intellect are more valuable than a strong arm. The jobs she hands out require tact, discretion, and an ability to think several steps ahead.
Bunny’s influence extends through high society and back-alley dealings alike, and her presence is felt in every level of the zoo’s criminal world. As a GM, she’s the perfect mob boss for players who enjoy intrigue, subterfuge, and social manipulation. Bunny’s cold calculation and strategic mind mean that players working with or against her must be careful not to underestimate her intelligence—or her willingness to strike when they least expect it.
In Zoo Mafia, Bunny Malone is a force to be reckoned with, using her charm, intelligence, and subtlety to dominate the criminal underworld. Her strength lies in her ability to manipulate others, playing the long game and holding grudges until the perfect moment to strike. Players who enjoy intrigue, delicate social manipulation, and subtle operations will find themselves perfectly suited to working for her. But be warned—cross Bunny Malone, and you’ll experience the full fury of her wrath.
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Thanks for reading. Until Next Time, Stay Nerdy!
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