Nerd Craft | Making a Doll Furniture Spinning Wheel
So probably many of our regular readership would much rather be reading “Wheel of Time” than reading about how I spent my time crafting a spinning wheel, but to those interested in the fine art of nerd craft, please do read on. If you’ve been following my take on the Grimm’s Fairy Tale of Rumplestiltskin I’ve been chipping away at, you may have seen this piece in the background of a shot already.
Since the spinning wheel features quit heavily in the story of Rumplestiltskin, I had to make a reasonably decent fascimile of this piece of doll furniture- it didn’t have to look “miniature replica good”, but I always try to make the best thing I can miniature craft on a time budget. Between shopping for materials, actually assembling pieces, and a quick coat of paint, I crafted this lil replica in about four hours.
Miniature Craft with everything & the kitchen sink!
This bit of miniature craft was made with a lot of random craft store purchases: a plastic golden round frame that was used for the hoop, various wooden dowels and pieces (some coming from wooden model sets), aluminum wire and a couple of craft gears. From there it was a matter of figuring-out how the various pieces would go together to form something that looked close to a spinning wheel and clamping the pieces together with epoxy and boring holes with a drill. Well, I won’t bore you any longer with the story of my spinning wheel. Until next time: Stay Nerdy! -Nerdarchist Ryan
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