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July 2014

Nerdarchy > 2014 > July

Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Lycanthropes! Wererats, Wereboars and Werewolves, Oh My!

When it comes to Dungeons and Dragons Monsters the lycanthropes are a diverse lot. Not as much as demons and devils, but there are a lot of them. Basically if there is animal someone has turned it into a werecreature. The core werebeasts are- wererat, wereboar, werewolf, weretiger, and werebear. Then from there I’ve seen everything from wereseals to weredragons.

Your lycanthropes really can fill nearly any niche or role in your gaming world. Whether you need  dungeons and dragons monsters to skulk and sneak, be savage and brutal, or benign and gentle werebeasts really do have you covered.

Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Dastardly Demons and Demented Devils

Hello again, Nerdarchist Ted bringing you some insights into the wonderful world of Dungeons and Dragons Monsters.  Today I would like to enlighten you about Demons and Devils.

Now I am certain you are saying that is quite a large bite and our normal span of article length would not be enough to cover all the possibilities of demons and devils.  Worry not, I am going to stick to the concepts of demons and devils and not get into the specific types.

dungeons and dragons terrain

Tricky Dungeons & Dragons Terrain — Goo-Blythe’s Guide to Surviving the Underdark

dungeons and dragons terrain” Uses sure about this tall one? Underdark very dangerous place.” whines Goo-Blythe.

“I’m sorry Goo-Blythe time is of the essence if we are going to reach the Lady Lureanna in time to save her.” said Sir Gregory.

“Yes yes I understand, but must you bring those lights with us?” quietly whines the goblin Goo-Blythe some more.

Dungeons and Dragons Terrain- The Underdark presents many natural challenges

Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Beware the Bulette AKA Land Shark

Dungeons & Dragons Monsters

Hello my fans out there, It is I Nerdarchist Ted with another exciting edition of Dungeons and Dragons Monsters.

Today we are going to talk about the Burrowing Bulette (pronounced boo-lay). The Bulette is a magical beast and is commonly referred to as a land shark.

It has the ability to burrow in soft soil and actually has a burrow speed. Now though it posses an animal intelligence and has its similarities to trolls in that it only lives to eat and breed. You need not use it as a mindless strait forward killing machine.

Tricky Dungeons & Dragons Terrain — Watch Where You Wander in Foreboding Forests

Hello fellow gamers out there.  It is I Ted, your Nerdarchist for this article and today we get to talk about the Forest.

Whether you are playing Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder RPG, or any other Fantasy Role Playing Game, the forest will almost always come up in your game.

role playing

If you think back to when you were little the world was a large and terrible place.  When things are so much bigger than you it is imposing. 


Dungeons & Dragons Monsters — Chokers! Making Adventurers Breathless

dungeons and dragons monsters

Dungeons and Dragons Monsters- Here comes the choker-

I did an article a while back called “Holy Crap! Nerdarchy’s Top 10 Scariest Dungeons and Dragons Monsters” where I talk about chokers and why I like them so much.

Excerpt From Holy Crap! Nerdarchy’s Top 10 Scariest Dungeons and Dragons Monsters-

“These guys were introduced in Dungeons and Dragons 3.0 edition. I instantly fell in love with these little creepers.

Tricky Dungeons & Dragons Terrain — The Insidiousness Of A Swamp

Hello gamers out there. I have the first in a new series of posts for you — Tricky Dungeons & Dragons Terrain. Here we get to examine the elements of nature so you can use them against your players and maybe make them think twice about stepping outside next time. Today we will focus solely on the swamp terrain with other terrains coming later. Feel free to mix up elements if you think it would work in other areas as well.